~ Start each day with God. Spend time in God's Word. "Either sin will keep you from this book, or this book will keep you from sin." ~Always include prayer. Pray for yourself, your day, your family members, your attitude, your friends, and your walk with God. ~Act like a child of God. This includes how you dress and talk. Also how you treat your family. ~Choose your friends carefully. In the word of George Washington, "It is better to be alone than in bad company." ~Do all things to the glory of God. This includes school work and activities. ~Keep a cool, clear head when it comes to dating. Don't be afraid to wait to date, to say no, to hold out for the right kind of person, and to involve your parents. The Checklist above is from a book I have mentioned before called "A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices by Elizabeth George." This book has truly inspired me to honor God by making better choices in my clothes, f...