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Showing posts from 2012

A Cup of Tea Please.

 Hot, delicious, savory, sweet, amazing tea. I love you. in the morning and before bed. I love trying all different flavors of teas from white to black tea's, or sweet to savory! I just love tea! I would say tea is my coffee.    The picture above is a delicious white tea I had this morning. Its very light in flavor and with a little Stevia, its a great refreshment for the morning.  The Sweet Harvest Pumpkin black tea is my favorite holiday tea right now! It literally taste and smell like pumpkin pie, it reminds me a lot of a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. SO GOOD! Its Autumn in a cup! You have to try it!

A Daily Christian Checklist.

~ Start each day with God. Spend time in God's Word. "Either sin will keep you from this book, or this book will keep you from sin." ~Always include prayer. Pray for yourself, your day, your family members, your attitude, your friends, and your walk with God. ~Act like a child of God. This includes how you dress and talk. Also how you treat your family. ~Choose your friends carefully. In the word of George Washington, "It is better to be alone than in bad company." ~Do all things to the glory of God. This includes school work and activities. ~Keep a cool, clear head when it comes to dating. Don't be afraid to wait to date, to say no, to hold out for the right kind of person, and to involve your parents. The Checklist above is from a book I have mentioned before called "A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices by Elizabeth George."  This book has truly inspired me to honor God by making better choices in my clothes, f...

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

So I was having trouble trying to find a picture that makes me I thought instead I would post a video that makes me laugh. I am, I guess you could say a Youtube fan! lol! some of my favorite videos to watch on youtube are by Glozell, shes very dramatic and usually does challenges to the extreme. A very popular comedian on youtube, she has already hit about 600,000 subscribers! Here is one my favorite videos by her, its called The Cinnamon Challenge.Makes me laugh every time! With the cinnamon challenge your suppose to try to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon, only glozell tries to use a soup spoon! :P Love ya Glozell!

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item

Hello everyone,  just want to take a minute and  apologize for not blogging and keeping up with my 30 Challenge. I've just been distracted with other things and haven't had time to post anythings. Also my camera's rechargeable batteries aren't working anymore which means I won't be post pictures for awhile. :( So once again I apologize. Anyway... I was having a-little trouble trying to figure out my most treasure Item.. But then I thought, well, the thing I should treasure the most is the word of God, the Holy Bible. I don't know how I would live without it. Its my guide book for life. One thing that bugs me though, is that alot of teenagers don't know how important it is to read their bibles. We are the next generation, someday we may have to stand up for the word of God but how will we do that if we don't know it! I want to encourge all the young people out there to read your Bibles. Even if its just ten minutes, God will be pleased to s...

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I would love to trade places with Rick Steves. Staring in his own T.V show, he tours all around the world, visiting beautiful locations, staying at resorts, and learning about different cultures and foods! He also goes biking, hiking and kayaking through beautiful country. If I traded places with him, I would have so much fun, learning and trying different things. I would also love to take pictures of everything! :D

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory

There are so many, but one in particular would be when I rode Splash Mountain at Disney World! I was so scary to ride it, then afterward I loved it! This Picture just makes me laugh! Hannah's arms didn't make it all the way up. Rachel's arms look to long. Abel looks to excited. Chloe looks like she scared with a smile on her face. I'm screaming with crazy hair. Sara and Kasey look like models for the rides ad. LOL!

Day 4: A picture of your night.

I'm usually watching movies/tv shows off Netflix with my sisters at night. Dirty jobs, Say Yes To The Dress, My fair wedding,(I love wedding shows) H2O (why not. lol), Random chick-flicks and stuff. Although sometimes When there's nothing to watch, I just like to relax in my bed and read a book. Right now I'm reading a series called "Sisters of Isis" by Lynne Ewing.  Its about three girls from modern day find out they are descendants of Egyptian pharaohs, powerful ancestors who have given them magical gifts and powers of transformation. At first, they don't believe it, but after evil forces threaten the three girls world, they have to learn how to defend  themselves by using their powers.

Day 3

A picture of the cast from your favorite T.V show. Right now my favorite show is Make It Or Break It on ABC Family. Its drama, competition, and Suspicion all packed into a great series. 

Day 2

 The person you have been closest with the longest. My cousin's. Garrett, Aiden, and Connor. I feel I can be my-self around them. We always get each others cheesy jokes and random thoughts. (Well most of the time. lol) Oh and the conversation on the phone are pretty entertaining. I miss them! I wish they lived closer so I could visit them more, I usually see them probably once every 5-6 months. :( I love them so much and I cherish the times I do get to be with them! <3 

30 Day Challenge

~Day 1~ A picture of yourself and ten facts. 1.I'm a Christian. (Primitive Baptist) 2. My middle name is Rose 3.I am the fourth sibling out of six of my family  4.I like to care for/help others. 5.I'm not afraid to take a stand. 6.I have type 1 diabetes. 7.I can be girly but I do have a tough side! 8. I can cook and bake. 9.I  have a positiv e  attitude . :) 10.I try to see the best in people and treat others the way I want to be treated.  The ten facts about me above are random but true. lol :p

Goodbye Freshman Year...HELLO SUMMER!!

Summer. Need I say anymore. its that little piece of freedom, the joyful feeling of not having to worry about memorizing a million things for a test.   I can wake-up and say: "I Can Sleep More!" Without feeling the urge that I need to get up to do school. There's so many things I have planned to do: Go on a trip to Indiana to see my best friend (Katelyn) who I have not seen in four years! Read lots of books (maybe :p) Work on my Sewing, knitting..ects Paint my room. Post more blogs. Go to the beach and get a tan! lol . oh and work a part time job which I recently got. : ) My goal is to not get bored. So I have totally  lost track of time and I need to get some sleep, But....Before I end this post, I just want to say thanks to God for blessing me with a good freshman year,  and I am looking forward to see what plans He has for me this Summer and the school years to come! ~Lydia